Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Unsuspecting Victim!

Here we are taking a sweet picture in the car and then I turn the camera around and Bamm! This is what I see. We laughed until we cried after seeing this outcome. (I do realize that I look just as crazy in this picture.. the difference is that it was NOT intentional, I just look crazy.. naturally)

Here we are after our first dinner date in New York! well, our first dinner out EVER!! Once again, I turn the camera around to look at our darling picture and this is what I see. This one too, brought us to tears!!
I love this man.

I hope it NEVER gets easier!!

So I found myself hardly able to sleep last night. This was partly due to the two boys who were up and down all night either crying, burning up with a fever or throwing up. The rest of the time was about Cliff... who did not have a good day yesterday. This left me feeling so terrible. So .. helpless. I found that the only thing I wanted was for him to feel better. I hate when he is angry or upset. It literally makes my chest hurt when I think of all he has to do at times. I just want to take his burdens and lighten his load.. although I think a lot of his burden has to do with the boys and myself right now but I just want him to be happy.

I hope that I always feel this way when he is upset. I hope that all I ever want for him is happiness and love. I hope that his happiness is always first and foremost in my thoughts. This is what it is supposed to be like, RIGHT?!

Cliff, Honey, I love you. I hope that today is a GREAT day for you. I miss you and can't wait to see you Saturday!